The Education Revolution

People think education will evolve to meet the needs of learners. It has not.

Content that sparks conversation and change.

Edufuturists bring a bold, innovative approach to education, challenging the status quo and advocating for personalised learning experiences that develop critical skills. We inspire educators and learners alike to embrace technology, foster real-world relevance, and promote lifelong learning for a rapidly changing future.

I don’t read newsletters often... but this is a joy. Authentic, zero bullshit and digs deep.

Nici Foote

Professional Learning Specialist, Apple

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Andy Eastcrabbe

IT Manager, Hipperholme Grammar School

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The Soundtrack of the Revolution

Stay updated with the latest trends in education.

#142 Co-founding Elon Musk's School with Josh Dahn

Joshua Dahn is the Executive Director and founder of Astra Nova School in Los Angeles, California. He is a co-founder of Synthesis, a company that brings students together from around the world to learn through complex games.

#85 An Education System Fit for Purpose with Lord Jim Knight

Chief Education and External Officer at TES Global. As well as this he also chairs - which focuses on moving towards offering free malaria diagnosis across the globe. Jim was a Former UK Government Minister, one role was minister of state schools from 2004-2005, and he is a current member of the House of Lords. He is a visiting professor at the London Knowledge Lab of the Institute of Education in London. He is a big advocate for technology and change needed in education.

#169 The Digital Education Crisis with Nicolas Cole

Uncover the looming digital education crisis with Nicolas Cole, a social writing pioneer and digital content expert with over 50M views. Explore how the rapidly evolving digital landscape is challenging traditional education and what it means for the future of learning.

Content for the Revolution

Stay informed with our impactful blog posts

Why Exams Aren't Fair

Delve into the inherent flaws of traditional exams and discover more equitable ways to assess student learning and potential. Explore alternative assessment methods that better reflect real-world skills and diverse learning styles.

To have a great idea, have a lot of them

Discover how embracing quantity can lead to quality in the creative process of educational innovation. Explore IDEO's mantras for idea generation and learn how to kickstart your innovation process in education.

A Culture of Freedom & Responsibility

Explore how Netflix's revolutionary culture can transform education, fostering innovation and accountability. Discover how principles of freedom and responsibility can create a more dynamic and effective learning environment.

The Essence of an Edufuturist

Uncover the five core principles that drive educational innovators to reshape learning for a better future.Explore how positive disruption, deliberate innovation, curiosity, cultural transformation, and diverse inclusion can revolutionise education.

Wild the Tame

Discover why unleashing students' wild creativity is essential for preparing them for an unpredictable future. Learn how to foster an environment that encourages innovative thinking and problem-solving.

Why does school even exist?

Question the fundamental purpose of education and explore how we can align schooling with real-world needs and individual growth.Examine the evolution of educational institutions and their relevance in today's rapidly changing world.

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