Partner with Edufuturists

Collaborate with us to showcase your brand and support our mission of transforming education through innovative ideas and thought-provoking conversations.

Align Your Brand With Education Innovators - Become a Partner

We are dedicated to driving innovation and thought leadership in the education sector. By partnering with us, you can align your brand with our mission, reach a valuable target audience, and position yourself as a leader in the education space.

Reach your target audience of educators and education leaders

Align your brand with educational pioneers and insightful content

Position yourself alongside education thought leaders and innovators

Pick Your Partnership Package

We have a range of ways you can get involved in partnering with Edufuturists - from one off episode sponsorship through to bespoke events or headline partnership. Take your pick (or let us know if you have an idea)

Content Partner - Amplify Your Brand

Sponsor our podcast episodes and/or newsletter and reach education innovators worldwide.

Awards Partner - Champion Educators' Success

Sponsor an Edufuturists Award to celebrate outstanding education professionals.

Premier Partner - Showcase Your Leadership

Be our premier Uprising Awards partner for maximum impact.

Help Us Make A Difference

Your involvement will help us get the message out and champion educators


Find answers to common questions about sponsorship opportunities, audience demographics, and ROI.

How long do partnerships last?

Podcast Partnerships are generally 10 episodes as a minimum but we will consider individual episodes as a pilot. Awards & Headline Partnerships are for our annual event held in the summer to celebrate our range of educational winners.

What is Edufuturists’ current reach?

Podcast episodes go out weekly across all video and podcast platforms. We currently reach 111 countries from all 6 continents - educators, leaders, administrators and EdTech businesses. Our 2024 Awards attracted over 11000 votes. Combined reach across socials is over 50000 and our YouTube subscribers are 1.1k currently.

What is your typical audience?

We reach a super varied demographic across the education spectrum from early years through to careers education - and everything in-between. If you are looking to align to a podcast that covers a range of insights, this is the one you want to look at!

What would a typical ROI look like?

We pride ourselves on being about more than clicks for a partner - we prefer not to do gated episodes or focus heavily on how much cash it generates for you. That being said, we have had 10 partners who have worked with us for every awards event thus far - the alignment is the real ROI (and that’s not an excuse!)

Still have questions?

If you still have questions about sponsorship opportunities or would like more information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. We are here to help!

Contact Us

Get in touch with our team for more information.

Edufuturists’ initiatives deliver the very definition of impact. On every occasion we’ve worked with the team, we’ve seen that impact, and we’ve seen change. They break down traditional ways of thinking and have enabled my team to think differently, smarter and without limits.

Paddy McGrath

Head of Education, Texthelp

Partnering with Edufuturists has been a valuable experience. Their expertise in the education industry has provided us with unique insights and opportunities for growth.

Jane Doe

Position, Company name

Get Involved in Making it Happen

Drop us a message or get in touch for more detailed partnership information or to request a partnership package.